E – Marketing Course

The e-marketing courseware course helps you to professionally market your products and services online. The course starts from the beginning level to the professional art of e-marketing
Details and axes courseware of electronic marketing
This training program is designed to guide companies and individuals to start marketing products and services through the Internet, from the establishment of the company on the Internet and through how to reach customers in the country to achieve high sales rates and even export routes and how to reach customers outside the country for the export of products. This program does not require any prior knowledge of the Internet or e-marketing methods.
Program Goals At the end of the program, the trainee is able to:
Know the methods, tools and strategies of e-marketing and how to use them in marketing goods and services.
Make a marketing plan suitable for the products and services of companies.
Identify how to solve problems in the marketing process and how to find alternatives.
Opening new local and international markets for exporting products abroad
Program Contents:
How to create a free website and marketing through it
Search engine marketing and how to reach your customers faster than your competitors.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and its importance in reaching customers.
On Page SEO & Off Page SEO
Analyze and improve your site with Google Analytics.
Marketing through content.
How to make an effective marketing plan
Marketing through free classified ads
Marketing Forums (Forums Marketing)
Video Marketing
Marketing Through Social Sites (Facebook)
E-Mail Marketing
Paid Ad Marketing (google adwords – facebook CPC)
You can register online
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